Ways to Make Your Holiday Cottage Guests Feel Welcome
First impressions count!
Making guests feel expected, welcome and cared for right from the moment they set eyes on your holiday cottage has many benefits:
* Fewer, if any, complaints (any minor transgressions will be overlooked)
* More repeat bookings
* More 5-star reviews and 'word-of-mouth publicity.
A creative floral welcome makes a significant impact on arriving guests
Read this intelligent article on more options to make your guests feel cared for from the moment they arrive.
Subliminal things like ensuring the temperature inside the front door is a few noticeable degrees warmer than on the outside or the way the house 'smells' as you cross the threshold are all important. Leaving lights on for 'after dark' arrivals or a handwritten note on a tasteful card all play their part
You know you've not got that welcome quite right if you find guests sending you a list or minor 'niggling' complaints - a cobweb in one room, a light bulb not working in another or a squeaky mattress. Many transgressions will be forgiven or overlooked if guests feel you have worked hard to make them feel at home. Light bulbs will always blow, and spiders will always weave a web or two in the cleanest of cottages, so here are some interesting ways to mitigate their impact.
Click Here to Read More on Ways to Make Your Guests Welcome
Find more advice and information about Welcome Packs for Guests and other ways to impress them
1. Ten Ways to Ensure Guests Feel Welcome and Cared For
2. A North Yorkshire Holiday Cottage Welcome
3. Ideas for a Wow Factor Welcome Pack For Your Holiday Cottage
4. What Should You Include In A Holiday Cottage Welcome Pack to Impress Guests?