Holiday Cottages in the Future
This video from Rentals United talks about the future of holiday cottages. Well, if you read the case study from Alan Egan on Vacation Rental Domination, you'll realise that the future is already here. The good news is that it doesn't involve buying a raft of technology or expensive furniture. In fact, you'll just need to be good at story-telling for the immediate future.
Watch the video or read the transcript to find out how you can subtly adjust how you present your holiday cottage to make it the holiday of choice for all visiting your website while seeking their favourite holiday cottage to book.
According to Vanessa de Souza, it's mainly about creating and conveying experiences that a holiday in your property will deliver. It goes back to that marketing adage "sell the sizzle, not the sausage", which proves that the future doesn't always need to be new - just reinvented to fulfil a contemporary human desire.
However, the article goes beyond what you can do to your cottage to help it sell. It also considers where and how you will market it in the future. Although a chunk of this bit is essentially the advert part of the video, it is interesting nonetheless and does explain what the term 'channel management' means.
That is followed by a serious look into what might be coming down the line a few more years ahead. Ideas like 'Haptic Technology' (feel that crisp bed linen on the screen and smell the roses) or face reading software that interprets your emotional needs to find cottages that will be good for your spirit, followed by Keyless doors and programmable dreaming beds. Well, you'd buy one for home, wouldn't you? So insert a chip containing your favourite dreams when you insert it in your bed. It'll be like taking your music library on holiday.
OK, this is drifting into what many would presume to be the territory of fantasists, but who knows? Once such an idea is out there, reality will follow!
Watch the video or read the transcript: The Vacation Rental of the Future transcript.