A stone country cottage with a large sun room and a hammock on its deck. Discover holiday cottages that welcome and cater for children. Photo credit: Beer Farm in Somerset.

View My Favourite Child-Friendly Holiday Cottages

Suitable child-friendly holiday cottages offer the kind of self-catering holidays where your children grow up remembering how the sun always seemed to shine on holidays when they were young. They will include the type of games or activities that will keep your children happy and occupied while also giving you a bit of a break. These days, it is X-boxes, table football and, trampolines for older children, and many traditional board games that still entertain and allow Mum and Dad to join in. Facilities can include changing mates and baby alarms for babies, as well as cots, and high chairs. Scroll down to view child and baby-friendly cottages if you seek a family holiday in a UK holiday cottage where young children, infants and babes in arms are welcome and well-catered for.

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My Favourite Holiday Cottages make it easier for you to find a child-friendly cottage where looking after your children in a home-from-home, there will be less chance of hearing those words - I am bored! Choose carefully, and you could save yourself a lot of packing! Owners who have invested in creating a holiday home with facilities for children are also very likely to be experts in knowing all the local child-friendly attractions - from safe sandy beaches to theme parks. It is always worth a phone call or an enquiry to the property owner seeking their recommendation. You will find them happy to help.

If all your children are pre-school age, then you'll find plenty of child-friendly cottages at reasonable prices in the early summer before the schools break up - or take advantage of some Indian summer weather on a family holiday in September when the crowds have gone, there's space on the beach, and the sun still shines. As well as toys, there are more practical considerations to take into account. Catering for children includes facilities such as plastic crockery, buckets, spades and even fridge magnets. Some owners will even include a small pack of pre-stamped postcards to encourage youngsters to write to grandparents and friends about their holiday.