A Peak District Calendar: Simple Pleasures For 2023
The Peak District National Park hardly needs an explanatory introduction as it is well-known for its scenic walks and as a playground for climbers and cavers. In addition to its cycle paths and gorgeous country pubs combining delicious gourmet menus with fine craft beers, it’s also an area blessed with unique local events and traditions, from well-dressings to pancake races.
You can pick just about any time of the year to enjoy self-catering holidays in the Peak District and find something to witness or join in that will complete a memorable weekend break exploring this beautiful National Park. Read on for an example of events where your presence would be very welcome. There are no white-knuckle rides, grand stately homes or major festivals here – just simple home-grown events and traditions that will be treasured amongst your holiday memories.
Peak District Holiday Cottages: Where to Stay
Whether planning a weekend break or a longer holiday around these events, search for suitable accommodation by visiting our pages listing over seventy large and small holiday homes in the Peak District. All the locations are within easy reach of just about anywhere you stay.
Click here to view our collection of Peak District Cottages.
Winster Pancake Race
Info: Flipping ‘eck! Believed to be the oldest pancake race in the country, Winster’s race is very inclusive; there’s a race for adults, a walking race for seniors and a short course race for children. With over 70-listed buildings, you can be sure that Winster is an attractive village to visit in all seasons. In addition to the Pancake Race, Winster’s events calendar features Morris Dancers, Well Dressings, performances by ‘Guizers’ (more on the latter coming up later), and a good location for walking holidays; the Limestone Way footpath runs close by the village.
When: Shrove Tuesday
Where: Winster
Read More: Click to View the Event diary on the Winster Events website
Stay: Winster Holiday Cottages
Carsington Water Easter Egg Hunt
Info: The Easter Bunny lays a trail of ‘eggs’ around Stone Island Trail on Carsington Water every year. Each egg contains a question. Follow the trail and answer the questions to claim your egg at the Trail’s end.
When: Easter Sunday
Where: Carsington Water
Read more: Click to View details of the Easter Egg Hunt and other events.
Two Events in Castleton
Event: 1. Watching the Sun Dance
Info: Get up very early, and climb the hill in Castleton before dawn to help the community watch the sunrise. Actually, the sun is said to “dance for joy at his rising”, which is much more fun! While it may have pagan origins, it’s also a Christian tradition celebrating the resurrection. Afterwards, you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy a whole holiday exploring Castleton and maybe a late breakfast or brunch at the Ye Old Knags Head. This picturesque riverside village in the Hope Valley offers stunning show caves in the old Blue John mines and the imposing ruins of Peveril Castle. The latter is located at the top of a hill offering stunning valley views.
When: Easter Sunday
Where: Castleton
Read More: Traditional Customs and Ceremonies
Event 2: The Castleton Garland Day
Info: Another local event occurs at the end of May, The Castleton Garland Day. No pagan ritual; its origin dates back to celebrating the return of King Charles II to the throne with a garlanded procession on horseback. And dancing…
When: 29 May, unless this is a Sunday when it will take place on the 28th.
Where: Castleton
Read More: Garland Day
Photo credit: Si Garb.
Well Dressing
Info: Well Dressing is a popular early-summer event in The Peak District. Many villages dress their wells to commemorate their survival from the plague that swept through the area in the 17th Century. For more information on Well Dressing and when to see them, the excellent Well Dressing website lists over 90 villages that celebrate this event. In addition, it provides the number and locations of wells and the dates.
When: Usually in the early summer months
Where: In villages throughout the Peak District
Read More at Welldressing.com, including details of all Peak District Welldressing events.

Crich Tramway Village Tram Weekend
Info: Your chance to ride a collection of vintage trams through a specially created village street using restored buildings rescued from towns and villages. There is also a woodland walk and sculpture trail to explore. Details of other weekend events from Spring to Autumn are listed on their website.
When: The Crich Tramway village operates throughout the year but has a big event –(you could call it ‘the gathering of the trams’) in mid-September.
Where: Crich
Read More about the Tramway Village and its events
Stay Here: Derbyshire holiday cottages
Photo credit: Crich Tramway Village
The Dovedale Dash
Info: There aren’t many cross-country race routes that include stepping stones, but the 4 ¾ mile route of the Dovedale dash includes crossing the River Dove either by stepping stones or a solid bit of wading. This is a scenic off-road course across fields and footpaths in the Manifold and The Dove valleys. There’s a 1 ¼ mile Mini Dash for Under 12’s and Under 7’s, too (parents can accompany children).
When: Usually the first Sunday in October
Where: Thorpe near Ashbourne

Wirksworth: The Church Clipping
Info: Church Clipping: Less of a spectator sport and more of an outward display of affection for Wirksworth’s church, the Church Clipping entails joining the congregation for the morning service. At its conclusion, the vicar and the choir lead churchgoers outside, who hold hands to form a complete ring around the church. Visitors are welcome.
When: Sunday nearest the 8th of September
Where to stay: Cromford
Click to Read More
Wirksworth Arts Festival
Info: Wirksworth Festival showcases the work of over one hundred artists, designers and makers. The quality of the work is exceptionally high. A performance programme of film, literature, music, and theatre performance programme complements the exhibition programme. There’s more than enough to go, see and do to fill just about every day and night of your holiday.
When: This nine-day festival spanning two weekends in mid-September
Where: In a multitude of venues ranging from the town hall to shop windows
Bakewell Christmas Sparkle
Info: More than just a Christmas Market, activities at this dog-friendly event include a food court, wreath-making, children’s crafts and face-painting and music. Stalls at The Christmas Market and Food Court are from local shops, producers, and arts and crafts businesses. Get a real taste of the Peak District.
When: Usually the last Sunday in November
Where: The Bakewell Agricultural Business Centre

The Winster Guizers
Info: Witness one of the oldest forms of performance in the UK. Guizers perform a ceremonial ‘play’ that has its origins in pagan times, where performers in disguises celebrate the death of the old year and the birth of the new. Catch them in a pub or hall and see how St George, The King of Egypt, The Black Prince of Paradise, A Quack Doctor, Devilly Doubt and Beelzebub get along. Oh, and a horse head, songs and a vanishing pint of ale also play a part.
When: December: Usually over the last two weekends before Christmas
Where: Winster. Various locations in and around Winster on the last but one weekend before
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